
PASSED!!! yeah

Congratulations. I am very pleased to inform you that you passed the June 2011 Level III CFA exam. You are one step closer to achieving your goal of earning the globally respected CFA charter.
51% of candidates passed the June 2011 Level III CFA exam. Your detailed exam results, including a matrix outlining your strengths and weaknesses, are in the table below.
Now that you have passed Level III, you must be a regular member of CFA Institute to be eligible for the award of the CFA charter. Log in now to verify your current membership status or complete the application process.
Again, congratulations on your achievement.
John D. Rogers, CFA
President and Chief Executive Officer
CFA Institute
The three columns on the right are marked with asterisks to indicate your performance on each topic area.

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
1 Portfolio Management - Individual 16 - - *
2 Portfolio Management - Individual 22 - - *
3 Portfolio Management - Institutional 26 - - *
4 Economics 23 - - *
5 Portfolio Management - Asset Allocation 20 * - -
6 Fixed Income Investments 19 - * -
7 Equity Investments 22 - * -
8 Portfolio Management - Risk Management 16 * - -
9 Portfolio Management – Performance Eval. 16 * - -

Item Set
Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
- Alternative Investments 18 * - -
- Economics 18 - * -
- Equity Investments 18 * - -
- Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * -
- Fixed Income Investments 36 - * -
- Portfolio Management - Execution 18 - - *
- Portfolio Management - Individual 18 - * -
- Portfolio Management - Risk Management 18 * - -